max's blog > cargo-semver-checks lint configuration guide

2024-07-18 | tags:

Recently, I've added functionality to cargo-semver-checks to control both the lint level and required semver update for each check.


  • check/lint - cargo-semver-checks runs many checks between versions of a crate's public API, which each check for one specific semver-breaking behavior. For example, the function_missing lint is triggered when a function in the crate's public API is removed in a new version.
  • lint level - For each of these checks, it is now possible to configure the level of severity for when this check occurs. deny means it is a hard error when the check finds breaking behavior, which will require a version bump to resolve. warn still runs the check and reports findings, but it is only a warning if it triggers and does not require (but it does suggest) a version bump. allow means that the breaking behavior in this check is allowed in the code, so the check doesn't need to be run.
  • required (semver) update - what version bump this check should require (for deny-level) or suggest (for warn) when the check is triggered. For example, function_missing is major by default, so if a public function is removed between versions, the version needs a major version bump (e.g., 1.2.3 to 2.0.0 or 0.5.2 to 0.6.0). This can be configured to major or minor (1.2.3 to 1.3.0 or 0.5.2 to 0.5.3).

configuring checks

To configure the level and/or required update for a check, first find its id. This will be in snake_case and is reported on error/warning or found as the file name in the lints folder. Let's use function_missing as an example.

Then, determine what the new lint level and/or required version update should be. For our example, let's set the level to warn and the required update to minor.

In the Cargo.toml manifest for the crate we're checking, add the cargo-semver-checks lints table:

# ...
function_missing = { level = "warn", required-update = "minor" }

To configure other lints, just add them as additional entries to that table. Note that it is not required to configure both lint level and required version update, and you can use the shorthand lint_id = "level" to configure just the lint level:

function_missing = { level = "warn", required-update = "minor" }
trait_now_doc_hidden = "allow" # shorthand to set just lint level to `allow`
enum_variant_added = { level = "deny" } # leaves required-update as the default
function_changed_abi = { required-update = "minor" } # leaves level as default

This table should be placed in the current/new Cargo.toml manifest, not the baseline/old manifest. (this defaults to ./Cargo.toml in the directory that cargo-semver-checks was invoked on, and can be configured to a different path with the --manifest-path CLI option).

configuring a workspace

It may also be helpful to configure these checks at the workspace level for multiple different crates in the same Cargo workspace. To do this, in the workspace root Cargo.toml, add a similar configuration table:

function_missing = { level = "warn", required-update = "minor" }

Note that it is workspace.metadata and not package.metadata. Then, to opt-in to these for each package that is being semver-checked, one of these keys to the package Cargo.toml:

workspace = true


workspace = true

Either of these is acceptable to indicate to read the [workspace.metadata.cargo-semver-checks.lints] table for this package. Using the lints.workspace key can be helpful to indicate this behavior for other linters (e.g., cargo and clippy), but will cause a cargo error if it is set and there is no [workspace.lints] table in the workspace Cargo.toml. To solve this, we added the package.metadata.cargo-semver-checks.lints.workspace key for compatibility. Note that setting workspace = false is not valid configuration for either of these keys. To indicate not to read workspace configuration for a crate, simply omit both keys entirely from the package's Cargo.toml.

overriding workspace configuration

When workspace = true is set, it is possible to override individual lint configuration lines in a package. For example, if we have in the workspace Cargo.toml:

function_missing = { level = "warn", required-update = "minor" }
trait_now_doc_hidden = "warn"

and in the package Cargo.toml:

workspace = true
function_missing = "deny"
trait_now_doc_hidden = { required-update = "major" }

Fields set in the package configuration override the workspace configuration. Thus, the lint level for function_missing will be overridden to deny, and the workspace default required-update of minor will be used because it is not configured in the package. Similarly, the lint level for trait_now_doc_hidden will be the workspace's warn, but the required update will be overridden in the package to a major version bump.


Currently, the configuration can only be read from the new version of the checked crate's Cargo.toml. If this manifest isn't used (for example, when using the --current-rustdoc to use a preexisting rustdoc output instead, it is not possible to configure lints. Configuration through other means (e.g., CLI flags) could be added in the future if there is a strong demand for them.